The Sexy Lie and Erotic Capital

I watched this video about the ‘sexy lie’ a few day ago. It’s a great presentation by Caroline Heldman about the effects of objectification. I’ve recently also read a book about ‘erotic capital’ for a bit of light reading. JOKES. I’ve been looking for different views on sexuality/status for my dissertation.

I’m not a big fan of the idea of erotic capital. It’s mainly defined as appearance, but also as social skills to some degree. The media often portrays erotic capital as a tool of empowerment for women or a way to get ahead (Cosmo, I’m giving you the evil eye). I find this view problematic though, because isn’t this just another example of ‘the sexy lie’? Another way to illegitimise women in positions of power?

A few years ago, I was revising a presentation with a friend. Most of the feedback I got ended with ‘Oh, and don’t worry, you look OK’. It might seem innocent, but I think the constant focus on women’s appearance in professional situations can be quite damaging.


Firstly, it gives people another tool to scrutinise and criticise women in positions of power, and to ignore their achievements. How many times isn’t female politicians appearance given more attention than their actual work? Secondly, it puts women in a ‘passive’ position where they loose power over themselves. It creates certain rules and expectations of women in the workplace, and they become dependant as the power lies in the ‘eye’ of the beholder.

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